Saturday, September 6, 2008

Herald Comics Submissions Policy

Ok, if you want to comics for the Herald, here's our submissions policy and some information. Obey.

First look me up and email: your title (does it change?), how you want your name to appear, and your CELL NUMBER. Stop by Comics Club (Thurs 8.30 @ LC) to make life easier. NO COMMITMENT; submit whenevs.


Any Thursday night to be published that week's Friday. Text/call me in a pinch.

(please do NOT submit anything bigger than):
Strips (left page) : 9 5/8 x 3 in
BigBox (right): 6.75 x 4.75 in

FOUR PANELS are crucial for comic strips since we need the flexibility to place them on either page at four in the morning when all heck is breaking loose. You can also do TWO PANELS if they are both HALF the entire length. You can slightly fudge with the height a little, but do not mess with the length, please.

Try to fill up as much of the panel space as possible. Don't get any bigger in height/length than 6.75 x 4.75 in and try not to get any smaller than 4 5/8 x 5 3/4 in.

WARNING: Color or b/w's fine, but the Herald's printers tend to blur color!

If there're > 4 comics in a given week, I pick which get stockpiled and which get printed.

Please have either beautiful or funny comics, preferably both! Just bring your A-game!

...Seriously. Let's own.

Have a beautiful AND funny day,


PS. Comics Club's a great training ground and sounding
board. See what works, what doesn't, and then submit when you're ready.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How To: Drawing Edition

Due to popular demand:

THIS WEEK (11th)

THURS 8:30pm LC (look for signs)
Come to learn some of our tricks of the trade! Bring questions and tips and we'll see if we can help each other out.

If you'd like to propose a future meeting topic, email me.

See you there,


Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Welcome. I'm revamping this thing as a billboard for the club and Herald Comics.

Our annual
a beginner's guide to making comics!

@Yale Comics Club, we draw/read comics informally and publish semesterly through the club magazine.

@Yale Herald Comics, we draw comics for weekly publication! (For more information, email me or come to a comics club meeting)

Comics Club SUPPLIES you with the goods: sketchpads, pencils, pens, pizza. You name it.

Comics Club meetings are--

Linsly-Chittenden (look for signs)

Comics Club and Herald Comics traditionally share quite an overlap, and the Club is a good training ground for aspiring Heralders to practice.

So hone your skills at the club so you can shine in the Herald, home of the best comics in the Ivy League slash world!

See you there,
